My current curatorial project, a matter of time, is on exhibition at Gosford Regional Gallery until 22 March 2017. I invite you to join me for a curator floor talk and morning tea at 10.30am on Friday 10 March 2017. Please RSVP to the gallery at (02) 4304 7550. All welcome!
Curator Knowledge
a matter of time at Gosford Regional Gallery
As a curator, one of my goals is to promote textile art in gallery settings to reach a broader audience so I am delighted that a matter of time tours next to Gosford Regional Gallery, Gosford, New South Wales, Australia 18 February – 22 March 2017. The official opening is at 6.30pm on Friday, 17 […]
Tutorial: How to Attach Textile Art to a Stretched Canvas
This tutorial show one method for attaching your textile art to a stretched canvas in a way that allows for the work to be easily removed later if desired. Experiment and see what works for you. There are many options available. Background For a while now I have been wanting to try mounting my small […]
Invitation to a matter of time in Adelaide
Come along to the Craft & Quilt Fair in Adelaide: 3-6 November 2016 and explore the fourth dimension in cloth in the exhibition a matter of time. I will be presenting a curator floor talk with local artists Suzanne Gummow, Julie Haddrick and Alvena Hall at 12.30pm on Thursday, 3 November only. All welcome! I […]
Shipping Textile Art: An Act of Faith
I was introduced to the risks of shipping textile art very early.? In 2000 I lovingly packed up my second quilting project, and first-ever baby quilt, and sent it by courier to England. My pregnant friend did not receive it; at least not straight away. Upon investigation, the courier company could find no trace of […]
a matter of time: photography day
Here are some snaps from photography day for the exhibition a matter of time. I ordered a 25mm hard polystyrene sheet from a local supplier and arranged for it to be cut into three panels – each approximately 1220x810mm. This size was big enough to hold the artwork and, importantly, could still fit in my […]