Art Quilts in Focus is a selection of works from the Sydney Quilt Show 2019 highlighting the art of the quilt. Presented by QuiltNSW in a gallery setting with support from The Embroiderers’ Guild NSW Inc.
On exhibition at Gallery 76, 76 Queen St, West Concord, NSW 1-29 August 2019.
Gallery Hours : Mon-Fri 10am-4pm Sat/Sun 10am-2pm
Artwork by: Sheila Beer, Donna Booth, Anna Brown, Sue Dennis, Dianne Firth, Jane Gibson, Carolynne Gordon, Barbara Gower, Denise Griffiths, Kay D Haerland, Judy Hooworth, Cathy Jack Coupland, Linden Lancaster, Deborah Layt, Yvonne Line, Judi Nikoleski, Denise Sargo, Caroline Sharkey, Carolyn Sullivan, Di Tramontana, Lisa Walton and Jessica Wheelahan

(Artwork by Yvonne Line and Di Tramontana in the background)
I presented the opening address on Saturday 3 August. If you are wondering what I am speaking about with such conviction, here is a copy of my opening address. A selection of installation photos is on the QuiltNSW blog.