This is an open invitation to join me at the QuiltNSW general meeting on Saturday 19 May at Burwood RSL, 96 Shaftsbury Avenue Burwood, Sydney where I will be giving a presentation at 1pm about the art of curating. Visitors are welcome, you don’t have to be a QuiltNSW member to attend. Bring a friend! No bookings required.
If you have ever entered into or attended a juried exhibition, you have probably asked yourself questions such as: what the curator looking for? how did this exhibition come together? how did they hang that work? What happens behind the scenes? How can I improve my chances of selection? I consider all of these questions and more in my talk.
The art of curating brings three distinct imperatives: to select; to organise; and to look after items in an exhibition. Drawing upon more than 12 years’ experience in exhibition administration, including several popular international touring exhibits, I reflect on the highlights and challenges of these imperatives providing insights and takeaway tips for both artists and exhibition organisers.
In the meantime, enjoy this video about The Quilts of Ken Burns currently on exhibition at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum in Nebraska which also highlights the important role of curators in selecting, presenting and looking after quilts.