Christmas is a time for gathering of family and weddings also bring people together. Combine the two and you have the makings of a real celebration. Yesterday I went to the wedding of a friend from Auckland law school. We both reside in Australia these days and the wedding was held in the quintessentially Sydney […]
Christmas Preparations
This year I get to celebrate Christmas in my own home. This is somewhat unusual – with David’s family living in America and much of my family in New Zealand, we tend to travel at this time of year. However, this year my mother, two brothers and one of my three sisters will be joining […]
Feeling Festive
Today we decorated to the strains of the Christmas carols. First we swapped out the display quilt with Christmas Carousel : (See I told you every wall in this house gets some kind of sun. This photo was taken at 5.25pm and that gash of light is the late afternoon glare.) Then we pulled out […]
It is said that the definition of insanity is to keep on doing things the same way and expecting them to turn out differently. How many insane quiltmakers do you know?! Currently my insanity is manifesting itself on the culinary front. Due to other [quilting] commitments later in the month, David and I are celebrating […]
Early Memories
One of my earliest memories is of a family excursion one Easter. The trip involved staying with friends at their empty lot (“section” in kiwi parlance) near a surf beach in New Zealand. My parents, baby brother and I spent the night snuggled up in our kaypok sleeping bags in the back of the family […]
My Martha Stewart Moment
Here are some of my hot cross splotch buns that I took over to our wonderful neighbours, Len & Marge (a couple in their late-70s who shame us with their energy and verve – not to mention their thriving garden): And I came home with some freshly baked “vegetable bean puffs”: