The Lions Club of Quilters Victoria is calling for entries for the Lions Club International Quilt Challenge: Our World Coming Together. Wherever you live in the world, you are invited to join this quilt challenge reflecting natural, man-made, cultural or historical representations of your country and community.
Calls for Entry
Call for Entries: World Quilt Competition 2020
Australian entries for the World Quilt Competition 2020 are now open! Share your artwork on the international stage! Entries close on Tuesday 19 May 2020. Enter online at: Competition Revamp In 2020, the framework for the World Quilt Competition has been revamped to provide more exciting opportunities for you. Key changes include: the minimum […]
Wonder of Eyes: 20 Day Reminder
20 Day Reminder: Entries for the Wonder of Eyes: Eyes of Wonder textile exhibition, art exchange and fundraiser for The Fred Hollows Foundation close at midnight (Australian time) on Thursday 20 February 2020. Celebrate the gift of sight! Please join me to celebrate and contribute to the gift of sight in four easy steps: MAKE […]
Vision 2020: Closing Soon
Entries for my next touring exhibition Vision 2020 close at midnight on 10 January 2020 (Sydney time). That’s 10 days away. Been busy with the holidays? Haven’t started yet? Never fear! This morning my design wall was blank but I have made a start and you can too. Follow my progress over on Instagram. And […]
Vision 2020: Two Month Reminder
Calling all textile artists – entries for the Vision 2020 touring exhibition close on 10 January 2020. That’s two months away! Submit your vision in cloth. Here’s the key information: Size: 20x20in (50x50cm) – up to 40 works will be selected Form: Stitched and layered textile ready for travel Title Theme: Vision On tour in […]
Reminder: Vision 2020 and Wonder of Eyes Call for Entries
This is a reminder of two exhibition opportunities closing in early 2020. Both exhibitions focus on sight and will be on display at the Australasian Quilt Convention 2020. Choose your preferred size (20×20 inches or 20x20cm) or join both! I invite all textile artists to enter. Please share. International entries are welcome. Vision 2020: The […]