When you send your artwork overseas, for an exhibition that is impossible to attend in person, it’s easy to become disassociated from your work. You pack up your artwork securely, hold your breath as it traverses the oceans and then you hear nothing until it’s time for it be returned. It can be rather dispiriting especially when you have to spend a small fortune on shipping.
Against this background, I am delighted that the View Center for Arts and Culture in upstate New York has published an online gallery of installation images from Quilts Unlimited 2022 which includes my artwork Integrifolia # 5: Propagation (142 x 46cm). Here’s a peek that gives you an idea of the gallery space and the variety of work in the exhibition:
Unfortunately, the online gallery only includes photos and there is no supporting information identifying the artists. I hope this is rectified.
Working with Wool
I first made Integrifolia # 5: Propagation for Art Quilt Australia (including the Expressions Wool Quilt Prize), a biennial juried exhibition open to textile artists resident in Australia and New Zealand and Ozquilt Network members worldwide. It is made from wool felt using an inlay piecing technique with machine blanket stitching and hand cross-stitch. See my 2019 blogpost for more about my design and construction process.
The next Art Quilt Australia exhibition is coming up in 2023. Online entry opens on 15 March and closes on 2 June 2023 (see the Ozquilt Network website for more information). It’s time to start planning my entry. Here is some woolen felt that I picked up at the Sydney Quilt Show for inspiration.