It’s been workout day on the Copacabana “stairmaster”. First I trudged up the hill carrying four quilts posted to me for the Sydney Quilt Show. The Laundry King followed behind with a small but surprisingly heavy box. Look what was inside:
Yes, I have received my copies of Quilters’ Companion Issue #37 which contains a five page article outlining four different quilt finishing techniques and is accompanied by an instructional DVD featuring yours truly. I’ve had a quick glimpse at the DVD (those are my nerves you can hear rattling) and am thrilled with the way that it turned out. Phew!
Lisa says
How exciting!
Linda says
I watched the dvd last Friday and it is very instructive. Well done!
Kristin L says
Yay !!!!
Judy says
Recieved my Quilters’ Companion this morning and have already watched the DVD, I will now have 3 more finishes to use on my quilts it was great.
Caitlin O'Connor says
CONGRATS!! I stopped buying quilting mags a while back but I’m buying this issue just for your DVD…
Gerrie says
Di Jobbins says
I keep pestering my local newsagent daily as I eagerly await delivery of the latest QC. I want to see your DVD! Soon, soon…
Terri says
congrats on your DVD and article Brenda!
Candy Glendening says
WooHoo! Congratulations!